Today, the development of society and welfare policies. Workers gradually have more interest in the benefits that social insurance brings. Therefore, through this article, Pham Consult will clarify the question of whether an individual can participate in voluntary social insurance or not?
Who can participate in voluntary social insurance?
According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 2 of the Law on Social Insurance 2014, participants of voluntary social insurance must satisfy the following conditions:
– Vietnamese citizens aged full 15 years or older.
– Not subject to compulsory participation in social insurance
Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 8 of Decision 595/QD-BHXH, specifically listing cases of voluntary social insurance participation, including:
– Employees working under labor contracts for less than 3 months before January 1, 2018;
– Employees working under labor contracts for less than 1 month from January 1, 2018 onwards;
– Persons working part-time in hamlets, hamlets, hamlets, squirrels, villages, residential groups, quarters or quarters;
– Domestic workers;
– Persons participating in production, business and service activities without salary;
– Cooperative members who do not receive wages or salaries work in cooperatives and unions of cooperatives;
– Farmers and self-employed workers include those who organize their own labor activities to earn income for themselves and their families;
– The employee has met the age requirements but has not yet met the conditions for the payment period to enjoy the pension;
– Other participants.
Accordingly, freelance workers such as housewives, online sellers, etc. can fully participate in voluntary social insurance to enjoy their pension.
How many ways to participate in social insurance?
Currently, there are 6 participating methods that participants can choose from:
(1) Monthly payment;
(2) Pay once every 3 months;
(3) Pay once every 6 months;
(4) Pay once every 12 months;
(5) One-time payment for many years to come, but not more than once every five years;
(6) One-time payment for the missing years for those who have reached the pension age but the missing payment period does not exceed 10 years.
In case of reaching full retirement age, but the remaining period of social insurance payment is more than 10 years, the participant who continues to pay according to one of the above 5 methods until the remaining payment period is not more than 10 years, shall be entitled to a premium payment. times for the missing years (according to method 6).
Where do individuals pay social insurance by themselves?
Pursuant to Point 1.1, Clause 1, Article 3 of Decision 595/QD-BHXH on management decentralization, specifically as follows:
District social insurance: Collect voluntary social insurance premiums; collect health insurance premiums from health insurance participants residing in the district.
Accordingly, individuals who pay voluntary social insurance by themselves… can go to the following places to participate in voluntary social insurance:
– The social insurance agency of the district where he/she resides (either temporarily or permanently);
– Collection points, social insurance collection agents in their localities. Participants of voluntary social insurance can look up collection points, social insurance collection agents (People’s Committees of communes, wards, townships, post offices).
When coming to these locations, people will be supported and helped to declare information as well as carry out registration procedures for voluntary social insurance.
Thus, according to the law, in some cases individuals can also pay voluntary social insurance by themselves and the place to pay this insurance is the competent agencies where they reside. If you have any further questions, please contact Pham Consult for answers!