Our professional business consulting – advisory services can help you improve your operational performance and productivity, adding value throughout your growth life cycle.

For an open market economy, an indispensable factor affecting business success is compliance with the law. And that is why it is undeniable that the great role of legal advice for businesses. The support from legal advice for businesses is one of the prerequisites to ensure the sustainable development of businesses today.
Business consulting – advisors analyze problems and potential risks businesses are facing and help provide advice. Legal advice for businesses always exists in parallel with the process of building and developing the business.
Pham Consult with a deep understanding of the rapid changes in the legal framework along with the understanding of the business environment, we have come up with the most practical solutions for stable and sustainable development for our clients. We not only provide initial business consulting – advisory services but also always accompany the development of the business with many after-sales policies.
With a wealth of experience in consulting for business operation, Pham Consult especially provides consulting services such as:
- Consult, provide regulations on Taxation; Civil code; Labour code, Law on Commercial, Enterprise, Investment,… which is necessary and related to company’s business;
- Update Vietnamese law/regulations relating to the company’s operation business;
- Advise on compulsory procedures to fulfill company’s obligations;
- Advise on necessary procedures to protect company’s benefits;
- Drafting/ reviewing principle contract/ commercial contract/ agreement;
- Drafting/ reviewing the meeting minutes, internal documents, internal regulation;
Please feel free to contact us as the following mailing address as soon as you have demand for business consulting – advisory services. Pham Consult always desires and undertakes that shall let you experience the best service ever with the price-competitive.