What standards and conditions must be met to promote a professional inspector from grade 2 to grade 1 from July 15, 2024? Let’s find out about these changes with Pham Consult!

What standards and conditions must be met to promote a professional inspector from grade 2 to grade 1 from July 15, 2024?
The specialized officer in charge of reviewing and promoting civil servants from grade 2 to grade 1 must meet the general standards and conditions specified in Article 3 of Circular 17/2024/TT-BGTVT, including:
– Meeting the standards and conditions specified in Clause 1, Article 32 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP regulating the recruitment, use and management of civil servants (amended and supplemented by Decree 85/2023/ND-CP of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP of the Government regulating the recruitment, use and management of civil servants).
– There is a vacant job position corresponding to the professional title of the civil servant being considered for promotion.
– The head of the competent authority managing civil servants decides to nominate the civil servant to be considered for promotion of the professional title.
– Meet the requirements for minimum working time holding the next lower professional title, specifically as follows:
+ Officials considered for promotion to the professional title of transport official grade I must have held the professional title of transport official grade II and equivalent for at least 06 (six) years as of the deadline for submitting the application for promotion;
+ Officials considered for promotion to the professional title of transport official grade II must have held the professional title of transport official grade III and equivalent for at least 09 (nine) years as of the deadline for submitting the application for promotion.
In addition, pursuant to Clause 3, Article 4 of Circular 17/2024/TT-BGTVT, the criteria and conditions for promotion of specialized inspection officials from Grade II to Grade I include:
– For specialized inspection officials, during the time holding the professional title of Grade II or equivalent, they must meet one of the following criteria and conditions:
+ Participate in the development of at least 02 (two) legal documents that the unit employing the civil servant is assigned to participate in developing and have been issued by a competent authority;
+ Participate in the development of at least 02 (two) topics, projects, scientific research programs at the national, ministerial, sectoral, or provincial levels or higher that the unit employing the civil servant is assigned to participate in developing and have been accepted by a competent authority;
+ Participate in the development of at least 01 (one) legal document and at least 01 (one) national, ministerial, sectoral, sectoral or provincial level or higher scientific research topic, project or program that the unit employing civil servants is assigned to participate in the development of, which has been issued or accepted by a competent authority.
Thus, from July 15, 2024, the criteria and conditions for considering promotion of specialized civil servants in the field of vehicle inspection from Grade II to Grade I must meet one of the above criteria and conditions.
Note: Circular 17/2024/TT-BGTVT takes effect from July 15, 2024.
Currently, what are the duties of a Grade 1 Vehicle Inspection Officer?
Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 4 of Circular 45/2022/TT-BGTVT, the duties of a Grade I Inspection Officer are specifically as follows:
– Take charge of organizing the implementation of inspection tasks within the functions and tasks of public service units according to the provisions of law;
– Take charge of researching, proposing, and developing policies, orientations, plans for the development and application of science and technology in inspection management activities;
– Take charge of researching and developing regulations for managing specialized inspection activities;
– Take charge of organizing the summary, evaluation and proposal of solutions to enhance the effectiveness of inspection activities;
– Take charge of researching topics, projects, and scientific research works to innovate and perfect management mechanisms, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of inspection activities;
– Take charge of organizing the compilation and development of professional guidance documents in the field of inspection; preside over the organization of specialized training, professional training or dissemination of specialized knowledge and experience in the field of vehicle inspection;
– Carry out other tasks assigned by competent authorities.
Thus, above are the 07 tasks of a Grade 1 Vehicle Inspection Officer.
What are the standards for a Grade 1 Vehicle Inspection Officer?
Based on Clause 2, Clause 3, Article 4 of Circular 45/2022/TT-BGTVT, the standards for a Grade 1 Vehicle Inspection Officer are specified as follows:
(1) Standards on training and development qualifications:
– Have a university degree or higher with a major or training major suitable to the requirements of the job position;
– Have a training certificate according to the professional title standards of a specialized vehicle inspection officer.
(2) Standards on professional and technical competence:
– Grasp the Party’s viewpoints, policies, and guidelines, the State’s legal policies; the situation and development trends of the inspection sector;
– Grasp the provisions of domestic and international laws on the inspection sector; have in-depth knowledge of the inspection sector; have the ability to apply and deploy technology within the scope of work undertaken;
– Have the ability to research, develop projects, action programs; have the ability to advise on strategic planning, planning, plans, and policies associated with specialized inspection expertise;
– Have the ability to organize and implement assigned tasks; have the ability to analyze and synthesize practical issues, propose solutions to improve specialized inspection policies and laws;
– Have the skills to draft, present, develop and implement projects, plans, and programs related to inspection activities;
– Have basic information technology skills and be able to use foreign languages or ethnic minority languages for officials working in ethnic minority areas as required by the job position.
Thus, officials considered for promotion to the professional title of Grade I Inspection Officer must meet the standards for training and development and standards for professional and technical competence.