Accounting is an extremely necessary and indispensable job in every business. In order for accounting work to go smoothly, in addition to receiving effective support from accounting software, it also requires accountants to track information in many types of books and reports. Detailed accounting books are one such important document. Therefore, before use, must the accounting books be approved by the legal representative of the securities company? Through today’s article, let’s learn more about this issue with Pham Consult!

Before use, must the accounting books be approved by the legal representative of the securities company?
The use of accounting books of securities companies is regulated in Clause 1, Article 18 of Circular 210/2014/TT-BTC as follows:
Open and record accounting books
1. Open an accounting book
a) Accounting books must be opened at the beginning of the annual accounting period. For newly established securities companies, accounting books must be opened from the date of establishment. The legal representative and Chief Accountant of the Securities Company are responsible for signing and approving the manual accounting books before use, or signing and approving the official accounting books after printing them from the accounting software. ;
b) Accounting books must use pre-printed or pre-lined templates and can be bound into books or placed on separate sheets. When finished using notebooks, they must be bound into books for storage;
c) Before using accounting books, the following procedures must be completed:
– For accounting books in book form:
The first page of the book must clearly state the name of the securities company, book name, book opening date, accounting year and book recording period, full name and signature of the book keeper and bookkeeper, the Chief Accountant and the legal representative. Law of the securities company, the date of closing the books or the date of transfer to another person.
Accounting books must have page numbers from the first page to the last page, between two pages of the book must be stamped with the accounting unit’s seal;
– For loose leaf books:
At the top of each separate book, the name of the securities company, the serial number of each book, the name of the book, the month of use, and the full name of the person holding and recording the book must be clearly written. Before use, separate sheets must be signed, sealed and recorded in the registration book for use of separate sheets by the Director of the Securities Company or an authorized person. Loose-leaf books must be arranged in order of accounting accounts and must ensure safety and ease of finding.
Thus, according to regulations, the legal representative and Chief Accountant of the Securities Company are responsible for signing and approving the manual accounting books before use, or signing and approving the official accounting books after Print out from accounting software.
What must a securities company’s accounting records be based on?
The accounting records of securities companies are regulated in Clause, Article 18 of Circular 210/2014/TT-BTC as follows:
Open and record accounting books
2. Record accounting books
Accounting book entries must be based on audited accounting documents that comply with regulations on accounting documents. All data recorded in accounting books must be supported by legal and reasonable accounting documents.
Thus, according to regulations, the accounting records of securities companies must be based on audited accounting documents that ensure compliance with regulations on accounting documents.
All data recorded in accounting books must be supported by legal and reasonable accounting documents.
In case there are errors in accounting books recorded by accounting software, how can they be corrected?
Corrections in case of accounting book entries using accounting software are specified in Clause 2, Article 19 of Circular 210/2014/TT-BTC as follows:
Repair accounting books
2. Corrections in case of accounting book entries using accounting software:
a) In case errors are discovered before the annual financial report is submitted to the competent State agency, corrections must be made directly in that year’s accounting books on the accounting software;
b) In case an error is discovered after the annual financial report has been submitted to the competent State agency, corrections must be made directly in the accounting book of the year in which the error was detected on the accounting software and notes must be made. There are errors in the last line of the annual accounting book;
c) Corrections when recording accounting books using accounting software are all made according to the “Negative number recording method” or “Additional recording method”.
Thus, according to regulations, in case the accounting books are recorded with accounting software and have errors, they must be corrected as follows:
(1) In case errors are discovered before the annual financial report is submitted to the competent State agency, corrections must be made directly in that year’s accounting books on the accounting software;
(2) In case an error is discovered after the annual financial report has been submitted to the competent State agency, corrections must be made directly in the accounting book of the year in which the error was detected on the accounting software and recorded. Note the error in the last line of the annual accounting book;
Note: Corrections when recording accounting books using accounting software are all made according to the “Negative number recording method” or “Additional recording method”.