When can you register to use electronic invoices through the Electronic Information Portal of the General Department of Taxation? What are the mandatory contents of an electronic invoice? Are invoices generated from cash registers that are connected to transfer data to the tax authority required to have a digital signature? Through today’s article, let’s find out about this issue with Pham Consult!

When can you register to use electronic invoices through the Electronic Information Portal of the General Department of Taxation?
According to Clause 1, Article 15 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, the following provisions are provided:
Registering and changing the content of registration for using electronic invoices
1. Enterprises, economic organizations, other organizations, households and business individuals who are not subject to stopping the use of invoices as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 16 of this Decree shall register to use electronic invoices (including registration of electronic invoices for selling public assets, electronic invoices for selling national reserve goods) through an organization providing electronic invoice services.
In case of using electronic invoices with tax authority codes without having to pay for the service, they can register to use electronic invoices through the Electronic Information Portal of the General Department of Taxation or an organization providing electronic invoice services authorized by the General Department of Taxation to provide electronic invoice services with tax authority codes without having to pay for the service.
In case the enterprise is an organization that connects to transfer electronic invoice data by sending it directly to the tax authority, it must register to use electronic invoices through the General Department of Taxation’s Electronic Information Portal.
The registration information content is according to Form No. 01/DKTĐ-HDĐT Appendix IA issued with this Decree.
The General Department of Taxation’s Electronic Information Portal sends an electronic notice on the receipt of registration to use electronic invoices through an organization providing electronic invoice services for cases where enterprises, economic organizations, other organizations, households, and business individuals register to use electronic invoices through an organization providing electronic invoice services.
The General Department of Taxation’s electronic information portal sends electronic notifications directly according to Form No. 01/TB-TNĐT Appendix IB on receiving registrations for using electronic invoices for enterprises, economic organizations, other organizations, households, and business individuals via the email address registered with the tax authority in cases where enterprises, economic organizations, other organizations, households, and business individuals register to use electronic invoices directly at the General Department of Taxation’s electronic information portal.
Accordingly, it is possible to register to use electronic invoices through the General Department of Taxation’s electronic information portal in the following cases:
In case of using electronic invoices with tax authority codes, no service fee is required;
In case the enterprise is an organization that connects to transfer electronic invoice data by sending directly to the tax authority.
What are the mandatory contents on an electronic invoice?
Pursuant to Article 10 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, the mandatory contents on electronic invoices are as follows:
(1) Invoice name, invoice symbol, invoice template number;
(2) Invoice copy name;
(3) Invoice number;
(4) Name, address, tax code of the seller;
(5) Name, address, tax code of the buyer;
(6) Name, unit of calculation, quantity, unit price of goods and services, total amount excluding VAT, VAT rate, total VAT amount by each tax rate, total VAT amount, total payment amount including VAT.
(7) Signature of the seller, signature of the buyer.
(8) Time of invoice creation.
(9) Time of digital signature on electronic invoices.
(10) Tax authority code for electronic invoices with tax authority code.
(11) Fees, charges from the state budget, trade discounts, promotions (if any) and other related contents (if any).
(12) Name and tax code of the organization receiving the invoice printing for invoices printed by the tax authority.
(13) Letters, numbers and currency shown on the invoice.
In principle, electronic invoices must ensure the above 14 contents, however, in some cases according to the provisions of Clause 14, Article 10 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, it is not necessary to ensure all of these contents.
Are invoices initiated from cash registers connected to transfer data to the tax authority required to have a digital signature?
Pursuant to Article 11 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, the following provisions are provided:
Invoices created from cash registers connected to transfer data with tax authorities
Invoices created from cash registers connected to transfer electronic data with tax authorities must ensure the following principles:
1. Recognizing invoices printed from cash registers connected to transfer electronic data with tax authorities;
2. Not required to have a digital signature;
3. Expenses for purchasing goods and services using invoices (or photocopying invoices or looking up information from the General Department of Taxation’s Electronic Information Portal on invoices) created from cash registers are determined to be expenses with sufficient invoices and legal documents when determining tax obligations.
Accordingly, invoices created from cash registers connected to transfer electronic data with tax authorities are not required to have a digital signature.