According to regulations, in which cases will an economic organization need to destroy printed invoices purchased from the tax authority? How does an economic organization destroy printed invoices purchased from the tax authority? Through today’s article, let’s learn about this issue with Pham Consult!

In which cases will an economic organization need to destroy printed invoices purchased from the tax authority?
Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 27 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, there are regulations on the destruction of printed invoices purchased from tax authorities as follows:
Destruction of printed invoices purchased from tax authorities
1. Enterprises, economic organizations, households and individuals doing business with invoices that are no longer in use must destroy the invoices. The deadline for destroying invoices is no later than 30 days from the date of notification to the tax authority. In case the tax authority has notified that the invoice has expired (except for the case of notification due to the implementation of tax debt enforcement measures), enterprises, economic organizations, households and individuals doing business must destroy the invoices. The deadline for destroying invoices is no later than 10 days from the date the tax authority notifies that the invoice has expired or from the date the lost invoice is found.
Invoices issued by accounting units are destroyed in accordance with the provisions of the law on accounting.
Invoices that have not been issued but are evidence of cases shall not be destroyed but shall be handled according to the provisions of law.
Accordingly, economic organizations that have invoices printed and purchased from tax authorities and no longer use them must destroy the invoices.
And, the deadline for destroying invoices is no later than 30 days from the date of notification to the tax authorities.
How do economic organizations destroy invoices printed and purchased from tax authorities?
According to Clause 2, Article 27 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, the following provisions are provided:
Accordingly, the destruction of invoices printed and purchased from tax authorities by economic organizations is carried out as follows:
– Economic organizations must make an inventory of invoices to be destroyed.
– Economic organizations must establish an Invoice Destruction Council. The Invoice Destruction Council must have representatives of the organization’s leadership and accounting department.
– Members of the Invoice Destruction Council must sign the invoice destruction record and be legally responsible for any errors.
– The invoice destruction record includes:
+ Decision to establish the Invoice Destruction Council, except for business households and individuals;
+ Inventory of invoices to be destroyed, detailing: Invoice name, invoice model number, invoice symbol, quantity of invoices to be destroyed (from number… to number… or listing each invoice number in detail if the invoice number to be destroyed is not continuous);
+ Invoice destruction record;
+ Notification of invoice destruction results must include: type, symbol, quantity of invoices to be destroyed from number… to number, reason for destruction, date and time of destruction, method of destruction according to Form No. 02/HUY-HDG Appendix IA issued with Decree 123/2020/ND-CP.
The invoice destruction record is kept at the economic organization using the invoice. The Notice of Invoice Destruction Result is made in 02 copies, one copy is kept, one copy is sent to the direct tax authority no later than 05 days from the date of invoice destruction.
How are invoices purchased by tax authorities that have been created handled?
According to Article 26 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, the following provisions are provided:
Accordingly, the handling of invoices purchased by tax authorities that have been created will be carried out as follows:
– In case the invoice has been created but not delivered to the buyer, if it is discovered that the created invoice has errors, the seller shall cross out the copies and keep the number of the created invoice with errors.
– In case the created invoice has errors in the name and address of the buyer but the correct tax code of the buyer is recorded, the parties shall make a record of adjustment and do not have to make an adjustment invoice.
– In case the invoice has been created and delivered to the buyer but the goods have not been delivered or the service has not been provided, or the invoice has been created and delivered to the buyer, the seller and the buyer have not declared the tax, if an error is discovered, it must be canceled, the seller and the buyer must make a record to withdraw the copies of the incorrectly created invoice. The record of invoice withdrawal must show the reason for the invoice withdrawal. The seller must cross out the copies, keep the incorrectly created invoice and re-issue a new invoice according to regulations.
– In case the invoice has been created and delivered to the buyer, the goods have been delivered, the service has been provided, the seller and the buyer have declared the tax, and then an error is discovered, the seller must make an invoice to correct the error. The invoice clearly states the adjustment (increase, decrease) of the quantity of goods, the selling price, the value added tax rate, the value added tax amount for the invoice number and symbol. Based on the adjusted invoice, the seller and the buyer must declare the adjustment of the purchase and sale turnover, the output and input tax. The adjusted invoice must not record a negative number (-).
In case the seller and the buyer have an agreement that both parties will make a record clearly stating the error before the seller makes an adjustment invoice, the parties will make a record clearly stating the error and then the seller will make an adjustment invoice.