Are civil servants who want to take the exam to be promoted to Senior Accountant required to be a Principal Accountant? Civil servants who want to take the exam to be promoted to Senior Accountant must meet what standards of capacity and qualifications? Through today’s article, let’s learn more about this issue with Pham Consult!

Are civil servants who want to take the exam to be promoted to Senior Accountant required to be a Principal Accountant?
Pursuant to the provisions in Point a, Clause 5, Article 5 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC as follows:
Senior Accountant (code 06.029)
5. For civil servants taking the exam for promotion to the rank of senior accountant, in addition to the standards specified in Clauses 3 and 4 of this Article, they must also meet the following conditions:
a) Currently holding the rank of Principal Accountant and having held the rank of Principal Accountant or equivalent for 06 years or more, of which there must be at least 01 full year (12 months) continuously holding the rank of Principal Accountant up to the deadline for submitting registration documents to take the rank promotion exam.
b) While holding the rank of chief accountant or equivalent, he/she presided over or participated in the development of at least 02 (two) legal documents or topics, schemes, projects, and scientific research programs State, ministerial, departmental, sectoral or provincial levels in the field of finance and accounting have been issued or accepted by competent authorities.
Thus, according to the above regulations, civil servants taking the exam for promotion to the rank of senior accountant must be civil servants currently holding the rank of Principal Accountant and having held the rank of Principal Accountant or equivalent for 6 years or more. .
Civil servants who want to take the exam to be promoted to Senior Accountant must meet what standards of capacity and qualifications?
Civil servants who want to take the exam for promotion to Senior Accountant must meet the standards of professional capacity and professionalism specified in Clause 3, Article 5 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC and standards of training qualifications. Training and fostering prescribed in Clause 4, Article 5 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC specifically:
(1) Standards for professional and professional capacity:
– Firmly grasp the Party’s guidelines and policies, the State’s laws, grasp administrative management, administrative reform and socio-economic development strategies of the Government, industries and fields; the organizational structure of the unit and the provisions of law on accounting;
– Understand and comply with the Accounting Law, accounting standards, state financial and accounting regimes, international laws related to accounting work of the industry, field and specific accounting regimes Can be applied in all industries and fields;
– Ability to propose and advise on policy planning, preside over the development of laws, ordinances, and projects related to accounting work and submit them to competent authorities for consideration and decision;
– Have deep and broad expertise in theory and practice of accounting operations, methods and development trends of domestic and international accounting and auditing;
– Have the ability to conduct scientific research and organize and direct the application of modern technical advances to improve the accounting management system;
– Have basic information technology skills and be able to use foreign languages or use ethnic minority languages for civil servants working in ethnic minority areas according to the requirements of the job position.
(2) Standards for training and fostering qualifications:
– Have a university degree or higher in accounting, auditing, or finance;
– Have a diploma of advanced political theory or advanced political theory – administrative or have a certificate of equivalent theoretical level to advanced political theory from a competent agency;
– Have a certificate of fostering state management knowledge and skills for civil servants with senior specialist rank and equivalent or have an advanced degree in political and administrative theory.
Are senior accountants civil servants with the highest professional qualifications in the field of accounting?
Pursuant to the provisions in Clause 1, Article 5 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC as follows:
Senior Accountant (code 06.029)
1. Position
Senior accountants are civil servants with the highest professional qualifications in the field of accounting, arranged for leadership positions at the Department, Department level and equivalent positions in ministries, branches, agencies and units. At the Central level, performing the management function of accounting work, helping unit leaders direct, operate and manage the implementation of the accounting system.
Thus, Senior Accountants are civil servants with the highest professional qualifications in the field of accounting. Arranged for leadership positions at the Department, Department and equivalent levels in Ministries, branches, agencies and units at the Central level.